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Conservation Commission Minutes,09/06/2007
Conservation Commission
September 6, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:
Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; David Lane, DL, Tim Flanagan, TF; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC; Dick Ferren, DF;

Absent with notification:
Vince Ammendola, VA;

Also present was John Kravitz, a student of Dick Ferren’s

NC called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

7:30 pm  Matthew Lane, Housatonic St., Map 41 Parcel 21, RDA.
Presenting his application was Mr. Lane.  
NC said that it was determined at a Site Visit (Attended by: NC, TF, DL, and JS) that this property is not subject to the Wetlands Protection Act.

TF made a motion to approve a Negative 1 Determination and RFC seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 4-0-2.  The two who abstained were Dick Ferren and David Lane.

7:45 pm Toole, Hampton Inn, Map 33 Parcel 1, Amend Order of Conditions
Making the presentation was Sarah Schulze of SK Design.  The detention area has been relocated under the proposed parking area and the run-off will be treated through a CDS Stormwater Treatment Unit, retained in a traditional pipe(six inch perforated) and stone system and discharged through a level spreader toward the adjacent wetland area.
JS made a motion to approve the Amended Order of Conditions and DF seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 6-0.

8:00 pm DJ Oil, 18 Crystal St., Map 4 Parcel 73, Amend Order of Conditions
Brent White of White Engineering brought the Commission up to date.   They are awaiting construction permits from the state Fire Marshall, and with regards to the sewer connections, Attorney Beth Goodman is working with abutters.  It is not likely that this will be worked out before the spring.
Mr. White described the change in the discharge of the containment tank for stormwater that is collected in the oil containment system.   This would be to handle possible spills while using temporaty old fuel oil tanks in lower section of property.  He said that they will decide on October 1st if a secondary containment system should be built.  If so, construction would start mid October.  

Mr. White will return before the Conservation Commission October 4, 2007 at 7:30 pm to discuss this and any other questions that may arise.   

DL made a motion to approve the Amended Order of Conditions and RFC seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 6-0.

8:15 pm Allegrone, East St., Map 28 Parcel 135-3, RDA
Mark Levasseur of Foresight Land Services presented the application.  This is a proposal to install a septic outside the buffer zone of a BVW with the closest work that is for the toe of septic hill for gradual slope 70 feet from the BVW.  He reviewed the design and stated that it meets Title 5 requirements.  There will be a small amount of clearing.

DL made a motion to approve a Negative 3 Determination and TF seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 6-0.

8:30 pm Tillotson Field, Map 38 Parcel 30, RDA.
Paul Tesoneiro of Greylock Design presented the application.  He stated that there will be field improvements; driveway for vehicle access, parking and improvements for drainage to keep the field dry.  This will require grading and a new drain will be put around the perimeter.  

TF made a motion to issue a Negative 3 Determination with these conditions:
1.      A revised plan showing the curtain drain
2.      Field planting must be complete by September 30.
3.      Slope planting, adding topsoil if needed.
JS seconded the motion.  The Commission agreed 5-0-1, with DL abstaining.

Minutes:  RFC made a motion to approve the minutes of August 16, 2007 and JS seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 5-0-1, with DF abstaining.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola